Yes, the annual LYS (local yarn shop) tour is upon us again.  21 shops between Bellingham and Renton have put together a fun weekend of visiting and shopping May 17 – 20. Each has a free pattern and daily prize drawing and getting your “passport” stamped at all of them, gets you into a drawing for some generous gifts.

Nationwide buying statistics show that people are buying less at small shops and spending more of their money at the big craft stores like Michael’s, Wal-Mart and JoAnn’s. I am not affiliated with any LYS but  I am committed to supporting my friends and neighbors by buying locally when possible. The Puget Sound area has lost three yarn shops this year, and I urge you to visit the ones we have and let them know how much we value them!

For those in the area, have you ever done the LYS tour?

For everyone, do you try to buy local or has that become less of a priority lately?